The International Banquet is an annual event organized by the International Club and the International Programs Department. The banquet is a campus-wide event, and consists of international food, musical and dance performances from different countries, fashion show of different ethnic clothing and the "Silent Auction."
The theme for this year's banquet is "The Year of the Tiger" and the event is in the Great Chapman Hall on April 21st, 2010. For students, the ticket price is $10, whereas the price for faculty members is $10. There are three main aspects of this year's International Banquet: international food, performances including the fashion show, and the "Silent Auction." First of all, the majority of the dishes are ordered from authentic restaurants in San Antonio, while a few dishes are prepared by Aramark. Overall, the guests receive a five-course meal for a minimal price. In addition to food, the banquet would also consist of musical and dance performances by students as well as a fashion show of ethnic attires. Usually, there are about 7-8 performances including acts from reputed dance groups such as the Loon-E Hip Hop Dance Crew. Lastly, the third component of the event is the "Silent Auction." This aspect of the banquet allows the club to raise funds for their future events by selling souvenirs from different countries.
Over the years, the International Banquet has been a successful event, and the International Club plans to create this year's banquet a great success too!
An Indian performance during the International Banquet
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